Whether you fall asleep on the couch or you have a newborn who inadvertently head butts you while you’re cuddling, you might end up with crooked glasses as a result. Crooked glasses can sit askew on your face and look awkward, and they can also pinch around your nose, ears or the sides of your head and be downright uncomfortable. While it’s a good idea to visit your local eyewear centre to have your glasses adjusted if they’re severely crooked or even damaged, there are a number of simple adjustments that you can make at home. Read More»
If you own your own business, you need to do what you can to keep your employees happy. This will allow you to your best employees so they do not leave and go to your competition. Below are two things that you can do for them to make their lives easier.
Dry Cleaning
If your business requires business dress from your employees, it can be difficult to clean some clothing. For example, some types of clothing can only be dry cleaned. Read More»
Even if you don’t approve of wearing fur, there are many ways to reuse and recycle a fur coat that are environmentally friendly. Try some recycling ideas to ensure that this fur doesn’t up in a landfill, and that it gets use in a new and useful way.
Some ideas for recycling a fur are:
Donate to charity.
Probably the best thing you can do with a fur that you don’t choose to wear is to donate it to a charity that uses these for a variety of purposes. Read More»
Although your dress socks may not be the main focal point of your outfit, choosing the right pair can help make your outfit look well put together. Here are a few things you should consider when purchasing a pair of men’s dress socks:
Should the socks be long or short?
For dress socks, it is important that the socks extend high enough up the leg to cover your skin when you sit. Read More»